Sunday, 12 October 2014

Sometimes In My Boring Life, Not-So-Boring things happen

      This young old guy, I will call him 'The Alchemist' (Disclaimer: In no way connected to Paulo Coelho) was performing some ermm magic tricks, so he said. Dude had a huge tattoo on his arm and used some "magic" fluid to remove it where water and even detergent had failed. I guess this was to prove it was a permanent tattoo? He photocopied stuff without using a photocopying machine. My dear, it was like feem trick. I was sceptical and wondered how all these were possible. I was feeling him but of course I knew they were not magic tricks. He probably just had a good knowledge of chemistry or something. The man had to spoil it by bringing up different concoctions for sale which were supposed to cure erectile dysfunction, cancer, AIDS, stop menstrual cramps forever and so on. What irked me was how much people believed this. I couldn't believe the gullibility in front of me as people scrambled to get the goods especially the one meant to cure AIDS. Anyway, I was still fascinated and decided to keep on watching the proceedings. He performed many more tricks and many more people gathered. It was like I was in a trance, standing there not of my own accord (sorry, this sounds like what a pastor would say).
        The crowd increased and soon I felt someone touch my bag. I'm not Jesus, so I knew something had to be wrong. You can never be too careful. This was close to a car park and things got stolen on the regular. I was prepared to chase whoever it was till I got whatever was taken. When I checked, everything was still intact, sadly. I looked around to see if I could see the human being that wanted to give me a heart attack (I mean, if my galaxy s20 had been stolen...). An old lady beckoned to me. Was I in a dream? Was she real? Should I go to her? After 2 seconds of deep thinking, I went to her despite all warnings of don't talk to strangers which I heard as a kid (sorry mum).  It seemed like The Alchemist (remember him?) was looking at me strangely. He must have been saying in his mind, "don't leave me, young soul". The old lady told me she had tapped me because I was enjoying the show a little too much and she could see that I was a nice girl :). I also reminded her of her granddaughter. She quickly advised me to take my fascination elsewhere fall and notfall prey to the "bad people". She spoke in Igbo and all I could think was, "Damn, my Igbo listening skills are getting quite good". With the message received, I thanked my lucky stars that my galaxy s67 was safe. I promised myself that day that since I don't want to die any time soon, I won't be Miss Curious Cat.